Five Ways to Achieve Fitness Success
by Jeanette Jenkins, Hollywood Trainer
1) Create a Plan. Every success in life comes from an intelligent plan. With a great plan you can get to your goals quicker and with much less stress and heartache. Every Fitness Plan should include specific workouts and meal plans that are designed to achieve your personal fitness goals: weight-loss, lengthen muscle fibers, run a marathon, sculpt & tone thighs, burn belly fat, relieve lower back pain, compete in a triathlon etc. To help you design a great plan you should consult with a qualified expert that is trained and educated with your specific goals.
2) Commit & Be Consistent. Yes everyone has days when they don’t feel like getting out of bed but you have to win the mind game. You will always feel great after your workout is over. The hardest part is getting out of bed. Have a plan so you know what you are getting out of bed for and be accountable to a group, trainer or friend so you will be more committed and consistent. Practice mantra’s and self-fulfilling prophecies. There is power in words. Tell yourself “I am Strong, I Can Do This, It’s time to tap into my Super Powers!”
3) Make the Choice to Make Fitness Fun! If you approach working out and eating healthy as a sad experience and a “pain in the neck” then that is what it will be for you. You have to make the choice to make fitness fun. Making fitness fun is a state of mind. Be open minded and look for the positive in this new experience of eating healthy and working out and not only will you enjoy yourself but you will be releasing the happy hormones necessary for fat burning and positive energy flow. There are many secrets hidden in the activities that you despise. When you change your approach and make the choice to be open minded and try new things with a positive outlook you will receive more than you could have ever imagined.
4) Create a Supportive Environment. Choose to spend your time with people who support and encourage your journey. Create an environment that allows you to be successful. If you cannot workout at home because there are too many interruptions then make arrangements so you can go to the gym for an hour. You must take care of yourself first so you have the strength and happiness to take care of everyone else.
5) Stop Making Excuses and Just Do it! Everyone has a sad story. You don’t have to be a victim of your past and you have complete control of your future. Push all the excuses to the side and just GET IT DONE! Less Talking and More Moving! You will feel great!