Limit Complex Carbohydrates and Processed Carbohydrates in Your Evening Meal- Complex Carbohydrates are the foods that give you sustained energy to get through the day. Examples of complex carbohydrates and processed carbohydrates are potatoes, pasta, rice, bread, quinoa, oatmeal, pancakes, cereals, beans and risotto. Your body needs this type of fuel in the morning and afternoon in appropriate portions to give you energy to get through the day. If you have a medium to large serving of carbohydrates in your evening meal, you usually will not burn it off before going to sleep and it will end up turning into body fat around your belly. To maximize your fat burning your evening meals should be loaded with vegetables, especially green vegetables (spinach, broccoli, asparagus, kale, collared greens, romaine lettuce, asparagus etc.) and lean cuts of meat or other vegetarian sources of protein. Be careful not to sabotage your fat burning with an evening bowl of cereal or bowl of pasta.