It’s time for another challenge and this time we are focusing on what you are putting inside of your body. Grab a friend and join our 7 DAY GREENS CHALLENGE. The challenge is easy, we want you to have 3 servings of green vegetables a day. Your body will love your for it! We will post recipes and meals daily in the Motivation and News sections of The Club that you can add to your meal plan. Every living cell in your body is made from the food that you eat so eat like your life depends on it because it does!

1. Have 3 servings of green vegetables a day.
2. Greens help alkalinize the body which means they help strengthen your immune system & decrease your risk of illness and disease from a cold to Cancer .
3. They are loaded with fiber to help you with digestion & elimination and help stabilize your body’s blood sugar level, helping you burn more fat.
4. Greens are low calorie and loaded with minerals, vitamins, nutrients and phytonutrients to help your body function at it’s best.
5. If you’re a person that is always on the go or if you don’t feel like eating your greens, make a green smoothie. Green Smoothies and Green Juices can help you increase your green vegetable intake.
Check out www.TheHollywoodTrainerClub.com and click on Meals —-> Recipes A-Z for all your green recipes, smoothies, juices, salads, side dishes and more!
Get abs of steel and beautiful posture with The Rocker! One of those exercises that everyone wants to learn how to do. This amazing core strengthening and toning exercise is in the Quick Abs chapter of our Pilates workout. Head over to the Virtual Gym in The Club www.TheHollywoodTrainerClub.com to do this 10min ab blasting workout! Click Exercise, then click Virtual Gym, then Pilates and select the Quick Abs chapter. It’s only 10mins you can do it!