Measurements for Success!
We are on Day 2 of the 30 Days of Healthy Living in The Hollywood Trainer Club! Jeanette is kicking the week off with 6 Facebook Live sessions to help you set up 2018 with a healthy living plan. Join us tonight on Jeanette’s Facebook Pageat 5pm PST/ 8pm EST to talk about Measurements for Success. Body weight is only one parameter to assess your results, tonight we will discuss body fat percentage, body types, positive body image, girth measurements, waistline circumference, water weight and much more. Join us at 5pm PST/8pm EST for a Facebook Live to learn more.
Let’s Get Started! Measurements!
Take your measurements as soon as possible and re-measure every Friday to monitor your progress. It is important that you do not measure your success by just your body weight but you also take body fat percentages, lean muscle percentage, girth measurements/inches, waistline circumference, positive body image, fitness levels (cardio, strength, endurance, flexibility), health measurements (cholesterol, blood pressure, resting heart rate) and before photos.
All of these Measurements will create Your Personal Fitness Profile!
You can access all of these measurement charts and fitness tests in The Hollywood Trainer Club under your Personal Profile and the Tools tab.
Link to download “Your Personal Fitness Profile” Measurement Chart!
Your Personal Fitness Profile Master Sheet of Measurements
1) Before Photo
Take 4 head to toe before photos: one frontal, one back, one left side and one right side. Wear a sports bra and shorts or workout pants and photograph in the same outfit each week.
2) Body Measurements
Body Weight (Use the same scale every week and measure at the same time of day, wearing the same clothes or no clothes)
BMI Center for Disease Control’s BMI Calculator
Body Fat Percentage (Bathroom scale, handheld device or calipers but use the same every week)
Body Circumference Measurements
Take measurements in inches with a measuring tape.
Upper Arm (right under the armpit)
2. Left
Upper Thigh (right under the buttocks)
3. Right
4. Left
Mid Thigh (exact middle of thigh between hip to knee)
5. Right
7. Chest (at nipple line)
8. Neck (middle)
9. Hips (around the highest peak of the buttocks when standing with heels together)
10. Waist (at belly button)
11. Waist (at smallest point)
Total Body Measurements 1-11
3) Health Measurements
Resting Heart Rate
Make an appointment with your Doctor to measure Blood Pressure & Cholesterol Levels and re-measure at the end of the 30 Day Challenge.
Blood Pressure & Cholesterol Level
4) Fitness Levels
1. Cardiovascular Fitness Test –VO2Max– Rockport Fitness Walking Test
2. Muscular Endurance Test: Abdominals
3. Muscular Endurance Test: Lower Body /Squats
4. Muscular Strength Test: Abdominals
5. Muscular Strength Test: Upper Body/Push-ups
6. Flexibility Test
We have listed several tests so you can measure your progress in many areas so you don’t get discouraged if your weight doesn’t instantly change. There are many factors that affect your body weight, like sodium intake which causes bloating, nutrition, hydration/dehydration, body fat percentage, allergies, weight training, menstrual cycle, complex carbohydrates, hormones, medication and much more. That is why it is important to also measure your fitness levels, health parameters & complete body composition because one week you may not lose numbers on the scale but you lose 2 inches around your waist, 1 inch off your thighs and increase your strength to 10 push-ups on your toes!
The success of your journey is much more than just your total body weight. It is important to track your body weight but it is not the only number we want to focus on. We want to make sure you are improving in all areas of health and fitness, including self-love and positive body image, complete mind, body & spirit! It’s important to asses your healthy living journey from a place of love and not a place of criticism. This journey is about finding a healthy living balance, after all this is your life and we want healthy living to be part of your daily routine.
If you missed yesterdays Facebook Live on 7 Steps to Make Healthy Living A Lifetime Habit you can check it out by clicking the video below.