Cardio – Power Walk, Jog, Run, Sprint You don’t need any equipment. All you have to do is go out the front door. You can do these Cardio Workouts on a treadmill, outside at the park, on a school track, around a football field or along the streets in your neighborhood. Just make sure whatever […]
PORTION CONTROL: We Eat Too Much Portion control is one of the reasons that people become overweight and obese. You do not have to eat until every last bite is cleaned off of your plate. We live in a society that sells the notion bigger is better, most restaurants serve a meal size large enough […]
Five Ways to Achieve Fitness Success by Jeanette Jenkins, Hollywood Trainer 1) Create a Plan. Every success in life comes from an intelligent plan. With a great plan you can get to your goals quicker and with much less stress and heartache. Every Fitness Plan should include specific workouts and meal plans that are designed […]
The first thing to understand is that you MUST adopt a healthy eating plan in order to lose body fat, feel great and function at your best. The food choices that you make today will have an immediate and long term impact on your life. If you continuously choose to eat low nutrient, highly processed […]
Buzz Words Light, fat-free, sugar-free, heart healthy, all natural, low sodium, cholesterol free—these are just some of the buzz words and phrases that manufacturers use to make you believe their products are good for you! It’s up to you to understand what these things mean so you don’t get duped! The place where you will […]
Organic vs. Conventional Organic is a label applied to food that has been grown, harvested and transported without the use of conventional pesticides, fertilizers, sewage sludge, bioengineering, or ionizing radiation. Organic meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products come from animals that are given no antibiotics or growth hormones. Some organic farmers and manufacturers emphasize the […]
Choosing and Losing Let’s start with this simple truth: if you want to lose fat, start feeling great, and functioning at your absolute best, you have to choose to start eating healthier now. Your body requires essential nutrients — vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, protein, carbohydrates, water, light, and oxygen – in order to burn […]
Greek Yogurt Crunch Here is another great meal you can take on the go! Greek yogurt is very low in sugar and high in protein, so it’s a perfect choice for those who are diabetic or for anyone who wants to limit their intake of refined sugars. FAGE Greek yogurt is the brand that I […]
Of course we all want a flat beautiful tummy, defined lines across our stomach and the ultimate 6 pack but putting all of that vanity to the side for just a moment there are other great benefits of having strong and flexible core muscles. Your core muscles are used everyday to help you stand-up, sit-up, […]
Omega-3 fatty acids More than 90% of Americans are deficient in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are an essential fat the body must get from food or in supplement form. Omega-3s are very sensitive and are easily destroyed by exposure to oxygen, heat and light. To be sure you are getting your daily dose; take a […]