The FIRST step is always the most important!!

Are  you ready to take the first step towards leading a healthy lifestyle? Well, before you get up and start moving take a moment to sit down and make a plan because failing to plan is planning to fail. Before you jump into a new workout program start with an assessment to determine how to get the most out of it.  Follow the steps below to assess your current fitness level, identify your objectives and learn how to stay on track.

  • Write it down. Buy a journal to organize workouts, monitor progress and keep goals top of mind.
  • Be reasonable and specific. When creating goals, don’t tell yourself “I want to lose weight.” Instead, rephrase into “I want to lose 5 pounds and tone my abs.” This will make your target seem more achievable.
  • Get numbers. Measure your waist, hips, thighs and arms with a standard tape measure. Determine your body mass index (BMI)—go to for an online BMI calculator—and weigh yourself to get an accurate baseline. Recheck each week to determine whether you’re challenging yourself enough.
  • Charge your MP3. Create playlists of songs that motivate you and make you want to get up & move!!
  • Schedule workouts.  Get out your PDA or planner and block out time each day to exercise. When training becomes a regular part of your agenda, it’s easier to stay on track. Shoot for early-morning exercise when you’re more likely to go. You’ll also have more energy and power-up your metabolism for the rest of the day.

~ Team Hollywood Trainer

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