Of course we all want a flat beautiful tummy, defined lines across our stomach and the ultimate 6 pack but putting all of that vanity to the side for just a moment there are other great benefits of having strong and flexible core muscles. Your core muscles are used everyday to help you stand-up, sit-up, […]
Omega-3 fatty acids More than 90% of Americans are deficient in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are an essential fat the body must get from food or in supplement form. Omega-3s are very sensitive and are easily destroyed by exposure to oxygen, heat and light. To be sure you are getting your daily dose; take a […]
1. Essential fats, specifically EPA and DHA (found in fish oil supplements and cold water fish), work to keep your blood from getting too sticky, which decreases the likelihood of clots that can lead to heart attack and stroke. EPA also supports production of hormone-like prostoglandins, which also helps reduce the risk of clotting, and […]
You can only get healthy milk from a healthy cow! Many women who are going through menopause are told by their physicians to be cautious with or possibly limit their intake of dairy products because of the hormones used on cows. Choose organic milk that is taken from animals that have been grass fed and […]
Carbohydrates The recent low carb diet craze has left many people with the impression that carbs are the enemy. This is absolutely not true! Carbohydrates are essential to your diet, providing fuel for your muscles, and important nutrients for your brain. There are two kinds of carbohydrates that occur naturally in our food: simple sugars […]
Be Aware of What You Eat When you’re grocery shopping, read the labels and apply the knowledge that you have gained. Make wise food choices. Compare brands and try to shop at organic grocery stores like “Wild Oats,” “Whole Foods” or the local grocery store that gives you organic food options. When you choose your […]
Refueling Your Muscle Cells with Fat During a circuit training workout which is medium to high intensity your muscles are using a combination of sugar and fat as a fuel source but predominantly sugar because of the intensity level. Of course we all want to burn fat so in order to maximize the amount of […]