How much Protein do I need to eat? According to the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine’s RDI you should consume 10-35 % of your daily calories from protein. To support new muscle growth, while participating in a strength training program several independent research studies conducted by Dr. Michael Colgan, Dr. M. […]
Ten Things to Keep You Going It’s a tough world out there and everyone needs to find sources of inspiration to fight off the demons. Before you get started with your day, get out your journal and make a list of ten things that you can use as sources of joy and motivation. Whether it’s […]
Tips on creating a Healthy Meal Plan You must understand that you are literally what you eat. All living cells in your body (skin, hair, internal organs, hormones, blood, muscle, connective tissue, bones, etc.) are made of the food that you eat. If you choose to eat junk food then be prepared to have a […]
The term processed food gets thrown around all the time. Do most people really know what processed food is? Why do health experts say to avoid processed foods? How do processed foods make you fat? Processed food is food that has been altered from it’s natural state. Any food that you can buy in a […]
5 Moves To Blast Belly Fat Yes, you do have to eat healthy to burn the fat off of your belly. You must have more calories going out and fewer calories coming in. There are 3,500 calories in one pound of fat, so you need to be eating 500 fewer calories (calorie negative) than what […]
Portion control is one of the reasons that people become overweight and obese. You do not have to eat until every last bite is cleaned off of your plate. We live in a society that sells the notion bigger is better, most restaurants serve a meal size large enough for two or three adults. When […]
We eat so that our body can function throughout the day. When people begin to turn to food or alcohol as a crutch to help comfort them when they are upset (turmoil in a relationship, loss of a loved one), depressed (unhappy with themselves) or even happy (celebrations, birthdays, holidays) they become emotional eaters or […]
If you prefer to eat a meal then you need to give your body at least 45 minutes to 2 hours to digest before training. Below are some healthy meal choices. 45 minutes to 2 hours before a workout to allow Digestion Breakfast – Pre Meal 1-Freshly Squeezed Green Juice – Spinach, Apple, Lemon, Ginger […]
Don’t Eat Sugar or Carbohydrates For 2 hours After Your Cardio Workout – 60-80% of the fuel you use during your cardio workout is glycogen (sugar) already stored in the muscle. The harder you workout (intensity & heart rate) the more calories you burn and the more glycogen (sugar) you burn. The 2 hours after [...]
Limit Complex Carbohydrates and Processed Carbohydrates in Your Evening Meal- Complex Carbohydrates are the foods that give you sustained energy to get through the day. Examples of complex carbohydrates and processed carbohydrates are potatoes, pasta, rice, bread, quinoa, oatmeal, pancakes, cereals, beans and risotto. Your body needs this type of fuel in the morning and […]